BLOG | Mar 19, 2024 | by Arcmed Group
In the world of tubing materials for diagnostic and analytical instrument development, two contenders stand out: fluoropolymers (like PTFE) and silicone. Each material possesses unique properties, and understanding their differences is crucial for optimal instrument development. Let’s delve into the distinctions between these tubing materials and explore examples where each is best utilized.
Fluoropolymers (commonly PTFE)
In conclusion, the distinctions between fluoropolymer, like PTFE, and silicone tubing determine their suitability for specific applications. Understanding these differences empowers instrument developers to make informed decisions, optimizing the performance and reliability of their designs. Consulting the unique requirements of your processes with industry experts is also key to selecting the most suitable tubing material. Arcmed has 30+ years of experience designing and building fluidic systems. Contact us today for more information on how we can leverage our tubing expertise to build your ideal system.
If you have any further questions about which tubing to use in your assembly, please reach out to our team.
Danbury, CT (Diba)
Boonton, NJ (Bio-Chem)
Shanghai, CN (HCG)
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